Do you sell replica
No, we do not sell and promote replica furniture or products. We strongly believe that by supporting replica, we are contributing to more waste on our dear planet. Imitation kills creativity and compromise quality.
Do you sell vintage
No, we do not sell vintage furniture. All our items are brand new from the factory.
Are all your furniture mid-century modern
We do not curate our products based on this particular era. Although most of the brands that we curated started before or during the mid-century period.
Are the furniture made of solid wood or teak wood
Yes, many of our Karimoku furniture are made from solid timber such as oak, beech or parawood. These materials are obtained from sustainable source so we do not just simply cut down trees from the shrinking forest.
We do not have furniture made from teak. The unfortunate truth is, due to the heavy deforestation for teak wood for centuries, it caused mass destruction to our forest and teak is at risk of becoming endangered. If you really need to get teak furniture, please ensure to get from a reliable retailer where their teak furniture are from a reliable and renewable source without contributing to the destruction of tropical forests
Why do I have to wait for 2 to 3 months for my order
The reason is our products comes in different variation and style. It is impossible for us to keep stock of every individual item. Most of the pieces we sell are based on made to order basis, hence the estimate lead time is usually 2 to 3 months from the point of order.
Do we have to pay extra for shipping and delivery
Delivery is free for single order above $3,000. All furniture will be shipped directly from the factory in our own container and will be handle by ourselves. We will ensure that everything is in order before delivering to your door-step.
Any single order below $3,000 , there will be a flat $30 delivery charge..
Can I do a return or exchanges
Once an order has been placed, there will be no returns, exchanges or refunds.
All goods will undergo additional steps of quality control before being delivered to you. In the unlikely event that you receive a wrong or defective product, please contact us at
We highly recommend contacting us prior to placing an order if you have any questions or doubts. We'd be happy to clarify any queries you may have